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Are You Book Enough

It’s a new year and with that usually comes those pesky resolutions.  You know the ones… I’m going to stop doing this, or I am going to start doing that.  I think the statistics are that a little over half of those who make resolutions have stopped keeping them after only one month.  Those aren’t very good odds!  When I came across the Are You Book Enough (AYBE) community on Instagram in December, I thought to myself that this might be a resolution I would be able to keep.

What makes AYBE so appealing is manifold: it allows you to be creative; it encourages you to be a part of a wider like-minded community; and here is the best part, there is a new challenge each month.  The motivation is baked-in!  The polite reminder, or the kick in the rear-end as it were, is automatically part of the concept.

So, I’m in… let’s see what’s in store.

Are You Book Enough 2022 Challenges

The table has been set and the word themes have been published.  Here is the year at a glance:

One thing I immediately notice about the 2022 challenge is that I am unfamiliar with some of the words!  Take January for instance.  Right out of the gate – what the heck is Folklorico?  It seems to me that this challenge is going to be more than making something evocative based on a simple word.  It is also going to insist that I learn new things and then execute an artist book based on a concept for which I may not have a lifetime of pre-built notions or beliefs to draw upon.  This challenge is going to make me think… but will I be able to meet the challenge?

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t… you’re right.”

                                                                                                   ~ Henry Ford

All I can say is, this is going to be a very interesting year!


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